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Our foundation is built on:

Music & Creativity

Interaction in the Community

New Hope




Happy Here has been founded based on six core values that we believe are crucial to boosting mental wellbeing in our local communities:

  • Inclusion

  • Creativity

  • Happiness

  • Empathy

  • Diversity

  • Community


Current Vision


The Happy Here team aims to provide wellbeing services within Kent with the help of our Happy Bus, a new and creative outreach service. We are currently fundraising and have started the conversion process, beginning with the signage and basic outfit. Our "wellbeing on wheels" bus will hold our art and music supplies, stock, wellbeing products and a private area for chats and hot drinks that will also provide support for anything from helping with applying for jobs to us signposting to mental health services.


We offer this service through social prescribing, a non-medical approach to providing wellbeing support. It utilises and encourages people to improve their mental health through identifying and recommending activities and resources based on an individual’s needs, interests, and capability; helping them find the opportunity then motivating them.


Future Vision

Kris Searle, Founder of Happy Here and his team, have a vision to develop physical spaces in their local communities in East Kent and beyond to give a single point of access of support for mental wellbeing.


Centred around an accessible café with low cost food and drink Happy Here centres will allow people to drop in and share their concerns about mental wellbeing and the many issues that impact on it with our supportive staff.


We will be resourced to offer safe and confidential spaces to just talk things through and then move onto supportive creative activities, on-going help, professional support and inclusive events, if people want to use them.


Happy Here will act as a vital high street link, a bridge to other services that people may need to access such as mental health professionals, Citizens Advice, LGBT groups, GPs, the police, schools and universities and local businesses.


Happy Here will be a hub that naturally generates happiness with social events, music, art, and creativity encouraged to grow into our communities and the resources and professionals with associations and partnerships to help people break through the issues that are hurting their mental wellbeing and give them the happiness we all deserve.

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